Saturday, December 14, 2019

Citizenship amendment act 2019 - Only a step backward for future comeback or a moral suicide by BJP?

Citizenship amendment act 2019 - Only a step backward for future comeback or a moral suicide by BJP?BJP - RSS used to talk about AKHAND BHARAT the great great unified India which included not only present India Pakistan and Bangladesh but also Afghanistan and Myanmar . . .
Through the present citizenship amendment act, it has declared the Muslim s outside present day India as unwanted.
This is not in favor of the spirit of AKHAND BHARAT
Before encouraging any such concept we need to love the people across the border
Through the present amendment BJP has restricted it's own appeal
It has made enemy out of the people across the border which is unwarranted
Anyway we are not chasing anyone out
We are not that bad
Hindus can't be that bad
This amendment has un necessarily given a wrong message about India and Indians to our neighbors and to the world community
Yes NRC is our authority if we could implement it but as I said we can't chase anyone
Population control is our need is our authority
We should bring population control law at the earliest
But this citizenship amendment bill was unmaking of BJP and should be withdrawn as soon as possible
Or BJP should accept that they have agreed to the division of India 
It is a step backward to strengthen present India strengthen the position of non Muslims and then get back to the world . . . 
It would be clear only in near future . . . 

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