Friday, January 7, 2011

Jealous of my Nitish?

With skin incision, my guest surgeon asked me - what Manish it seems a lady stabbed an MLA to death in Bihar . . . I laughed - yes sir, bloody fellow was exploiting her for long time.
But it seems it was his PA doing so!
Now this was a bouncer - I didnot know this "intricate" tag. Dont know sir, I heard the whole gang was doing . . .
Ha Ha Ha . . .
So, will she get justice after this?
Hope so . . . Nitish Kumar is a good man.
Why, he is not doing such things?
Ha Ha Ha . . . . dont know sir.
No, you think he is above corruption?
Ha Ha Ha . . . dont know about this type of corruption . . .
What man, any type. No politician is above corruption!
Dont know sir (I had noticed that I was not able to concentrate on the surgery and so wanted to end the conversation).
But his jealousy and my confidence was palpable - at least to me . . .
Few years ago similar some one would have asked me -
Hey man, your CM is still in zail/ again in zail!
Dont know man.
Hey, take it easy (as if my brother is in zail)! Why are you getting irritated (even if I was in good mood I would get irritated) . . .
Its my turn now . . .
The surgery went on well.

1 comment:

Ujjwal Singh said...

great 1 fufajee...i am also an ardent fan of our honorable Nitish...i too have 2 bear such nonsense comments from my so called batchmates...but i simply nd calmly give a middle finger salute 2 dem.. :) :)